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PingAPI - Class in org.henrya.pingapi
An API that gives developers more control over how they reply to ping requests
PingAPI() - Constructor for class org.henrya.pingapi.PingAPI
PingEvent - Class in org.henrya.pingapi
An event that is called when the server receives a ping
PingEvent(PingReply) - Constructor for class org.henrya.pingapi.PingEvent
Created a new PingEvent instance
PingListener - Interface in org.henrya.pingapi
An interface for creating PingAPI listeners
PingReply - Class in org.henrya.pingapi
A class that defines the data that will be sent to the client in a PacketStatusOutServerInfo packet
PingReply(Object, String, int, int, int, String, List<String>) - Constructor for class org.henrya.pingapi.PingReply
Creates a class to store data that will be sent to the client in a PacketStatusOutServerInfo packet
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